Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas

Harold B. Jarrett American Legion Post 342 and Auxiliary Unit held their annual Christmas party Tuesday for some of the students in the Rowan-Salisbury Schools' Exceptional Children's program.
The event, a project the groups have carried out every year since the 1970s, was held at the post home on Lincolnton Road.
Thirty-eight students from Koontz and Overton elementary schools and Erwin and Southeast middle schools were treated to the "Nutty Buddy Gang" Clown Show. They had lunch and a visit from Santa, who gave each child a gift and a treat bag.
Harry Garwood and Phyllis Richardson were in charge of the project.

Hello there Ashlyn!

Yes Santa, I have been very good this year

For me? Why thank you Santa

Oh my! It's a Hannah Montana Doll!

thank you Siiiiiiiiinta!
(she yelled this out to Santa many times)

Ashlyn's class with Santa, aren't they some cuties?

Here's one more hug for the road, cause I know that you
didn't get enough hugs from me today! And you were such a good sport
about all of the lovin' you were getting!

1 comment:

My name is Sarah said...

Oh so cute. Cool, you got a Hannah Montana doll.