A portion of Ashlyn's goodies.
Notice the sparkly streamers hanging from the handlebars......

Well they didn't live long thanks to the *wild woman*

Santa, what were you thinking???

Ewwww creepy! And it moves too....

One happy kiddo on Christmas morning!

Our house threw up
and Ashlyn is inspecting it!
Isn't he too young for that poster? and the bike.!! lol
Happy New Year!
Hey Girl...too funny...Ashlyn's Soul Sister got the very same bike for Christmas...except it is the pink one. She hasn't had a chance to ride if of course, because we have been covered with an unusual amount of SNOW!!! I will have to send you a picture though....
Go Ashy Go! This will be FUN huh?
Girl he is 14 years old now!
uhm Mrs. Magpie (love it) we haven't gotten the bike out of the garage yet :( We are pathetic! It has been cold, she has been sick...excuses, excuses!
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