I cannot BELIEVE that I have not sat down to post about my Angel Ashlyn's birthday this year. I feel like I have been running non-stop for about 3 weeks straight. With school starting back, a list of errands a mile long and my house looking like a cyclone came through here... I have not had time to stop and write about Princess A. My dear, sweetest of peas turned 9 on Sunday and honestly it is just too hard to believe. She only has this year and next year at her elementary school and they will be shipping her off to middle school. Can I object to that? Can I let her play hookie for part of the year and they will just HAVE to hold her back?? This is my plan ha ha ha! Ms. Messer thinks I am joking, but we shall see!!!
My girlie came into this world 9 short years ago. Can you tell that I am having a hard time believing she is really 9 already? I cannot help it, but it just doesn't seem real. Where has the time gone? Looking back to her birth I swear I wish I could have done the first several years over. I wouldn't have worried so much about what she couldn't do and would have focused more on what she could do. I wish that I had recognized earlier that she was having infantile spasms (seizures) so that they could have been gone sooner. Maybe she would be able to more now if she hadn't suffered from them so long. I do know that God has taught me patience when it comes to her progressing. She didn't walk until two months before her 5th birthday... so that means, heck she has only been walking for 4 years now...even though it seems like she has been walking forever!! She has come sooooo far from that tee tiny baby with the long mohawk and pudgy arms and legs, to the beautiful, young lady (yeah right -she is rough as a cob) who charms everyone that she can. She will win an oscar one day with that TOTALLY fake cry that comes out of nowhere and disappears as fast as it came on!! Drama Mama! She is a faker let me tell ya. She can go all day at home and not pee in her pants, but you let her walk into that classroom at school, (acting like she doesn't know where the bathroom is) take one look around and see how fast she can pee in her pants...hussie girl...I just don't get it!
So Miss Ashy, I just want you to know that I love you with every cell in my body. You are the breath in my lungs and the beat in my heart! I wouldn't trade you for anything in the world, including any little snot nosed girls that don't sport that extra 21st chromosome like you! You are the cream of the crop sister And don't you forget it- that God made you in his image too!!! Thank you for 9 wonderful years of your life!
My girlie came into this world 9 short years ago. Can you tell that I am having a hard time believing she is really 9 already? I cannot help it, but it just doesn't seem real. Where has the time gone? Looking back to her birth I swear I wish I could have done the first several years over. I wouldn't have worried so much about what she couldn't do and would have focused more on what she could do. I wish that I had recognized earlier that she was having infantile spasms (seizures) so that they could have been gone sooner. Maybe she would be able to more now if she hadn't suffered from them so long. I do know that God has taught me patience when it comes to her progressing. She didn't walk until two months before her 5th birthday... so that means, heck she has only been walking for 4 years now...even though it seems like she has been walking forever!! She has come sooooo far from that tee tiny baby with the long mohawk and pudgy arms and legs, to the beautiful, young lady (yeah right -she is rough as a cob) who charms everyone that she can. She will win an oscar one day with that TOTALLY fake cry that comes out of nowhere and disappears as fast as it came on!! Drama Mama! She is a faker let me tell ya. She can go all day at home and not pee in her pants, but you let her walk into that classroom at school, (acting like she doesn't know where the bathroom is) take one look around and see how fast she can pee in her pants...hussie girl...I just don't get it!
So Miss Ashy, I just want you to know that I love you with every cell in my body. You are the breath in my lungs and the beat in my heart! I wouldn't trade you for anything in the world, including any little snot nosed girls that don't sport that extra 21st chromosome like you! You are the cream of the crop sister And don't you forget it- that God made you in his image too!!! Thank you for 9 wonderful years of your life!
Love~ Mommy

Birthday party pictures to show up next week!
1 comment:
WOAH NELLY...LOOKIE THAT PAINT PICTURE!!! You go girl! That's the way to do it! :)
And I just have to say...so sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet. All of it. :)
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