My little girl is slowly growing up on me!! She had two of her "first time's" this past week. The other day I took the kids to their aunt's shop to get their hair cut. If you know Ashlyn, you know that this is not usually a nice occasion. I have had to hide outside, hide in the bathroom, hide in the corner, etc. to get this wild childs hair cut. I have come out of there bleeding where she had scratched my chest because she was scared and freaking out about getting her hair cut. So yesterday Spenser went first. When he was finished he walked outside to get Mason because ya know we were saving the best for last. (Ashy) While he was outside Miss Priss walks over to the chair, climbs her bitty butt in that chair and was ready to get her hair cut. I almost passed out!!! Who is this child and what did she do with my Ashlyn??? She is such a silly girl. While she was getting her hair cut she kept saying "ow, ow, hurt me". We laughed and laughed at the crazy girl...she is soooo dramatic.
So the next day we were at Wal-mart and Mason wanted to pick out a backpack for school. While we are standing there Ashlyn points to a backpack and says "Fairy". So I pick up two, one with Disney princesses and the "Fairy" (Tinkerbell) and ask her which one she wants. Again she said Fairy. I hand her the backpack, fully expecting her to throw it down on the floor and laugh...but oh no... she really wanted the "Fairy" backpack. She eventually tossed it in the back of the shopping cart and this meant oh yeah, we are really getting this one. People this was huge okay!!! This child will be 10 years old on the 31st and she has NEVER ever picked anything out from the store!!! I have tried my best to let her pick out a dolly or heck, any toy for that matter and she has just never "wanted" anything from the store... it always ends up rejected on the floor. Even Mason was tickled that she picked out her own backpack this year...he's 8 years old and even he "gets it".
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