We are back from Maryland! We had an awesome time visiting Papa John, Grandma Denise and Uncle Eric! We were all sad to leave, but I am sure that the hosts are
liking the quietness that they were left when we headed back to NC! Here are
a few pics from one of their days of adventure......
The 3 stooges go crabbing, okay there was one more person but we don't
consider her a stooge... hahaha!

Mason shows off the catch!
Miss Priss checks out the crabbies!
Okay, this is how you hold the crab so that they can't pinch you!
He's already a pro.....
Getting down to business..... dig in!

No Ashlyn, you don't eat that part of the crab!

Oh geez, I knew we would have to throw a cry fest in here somewhere!

That's all folks!!!

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