Every year we drag our booties out to the fair in Faith that runs for a week the week of 4th of July. Of course we drag our kiddies kicking and screaming because they hate going....can't you tell?? ha ha!
Here is *wild man* and his sister *wild woman*
She has come so FAR!! She goes from one extreme to the other.
Just 2 years ago you couldn't pay her to even ride the horsie outside of Wal-mart.
Scared the pee out of her....
NOW, she pitched a fit to ride the big, SCARY, upside down rides. (heck no, she didn't ride, way too short and mommy-- WAY to scared to let her.
So here we are...keeping it safe.....
So here we are...keeping it safe.....
I'm too sexy for these rides
Mr. Cool himself...way too cool for mom to take his pictures at the fair, he he he!
Let's get ready to slide.....
Thanks for the ride Spenser, have I told you lately how much I love you big brother?
COUSINS....ahhhh I am loving it that my kiddos are growing up with cousins to play with,
have sleepovers, go on hayrides, swimming, fishing, lunch at me-maws on Sunday after church
and of course they always
go to the fairs each year! My siblings and I also grew up with cousins our age and we
have some great memories spending lot's and lot's time making cherished memories as well!

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