Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Lovely lab work and x-ray's

I have been very busy with life for the last several days and barely have time to post this, but I was feeling like a slackard. :) So yesterday I have to take Ashlyn to the hospital to get yearly lab work and also a neck x-ray so that she could ride the horses at Saving Grace farm with her class. I honestly think that the visit yesterday took about 6 months off of my life. :( We did the x-ray first and believe me it could have gone better than it did. I was sweating when we got out of there. This chick of mine might have low muscle tone but she is NOT low in strength. We started out with this great guy who was a big ol' teddy bear... sweet as pie. (I was very thankful for this!) Then we decided we needed some back up. We layed her out on the table, he held the bottom part of her body and I tried to hold her neck/head in the correct position and then another lady got the mug shot of poor poopsies neck. Thank God the x-ray's came back in the clear. Lab was next and boy I thought she was strong getting her x-ray...that was a piece of cake compared to drawing blood from a screaming chicky. Her thyroid levels were fine, which is awesome because we were watching her levels last year. :)

I really don't know what is up with the older generation. There were 3 elderly people in the waiting room yesterday, 2 women and 1 man. I REALLY wanted to go and tell the one old lady that just because the man sitting beside her had in a hearing aide, that the rest of us weren't deaf. So Ashlyn was actually being PRETTY darned good for Ashlyn. She was playing around with a toy and then got restless and tried to escape a few times. As I am sitting there watching Ashlyn I hear the old lady go... blah, blah, blah syndrome (that was all that I heard, ha!) So then my ears perk up and I am trying to hear the rest of their conversation...yes I am nosey, I don't deny it! Then she screams out "they say it comes from lack of folic acid". She stopped there for a while and then on another escape route from Ashlyn I hear, "I could not handle that" from the old hag. :) The old man says " not now you couldn't" and she says "not then either". So I had about all that I could take without being ugly and put wild woman in a wheel chair and start wheeling her around the floor for about 25 more mintues of waiting. I think what made me mad the most was that they were just spewing at the mouth like none of us could hear them and just kept right on doing it like it was no big deal. I told Mike about it and he said I should have went up to her and said "you don't have to worry about handling her, she is mine and I can take care of her myself!

So that is my older generation story for the week.... I have one more encounter that we had the YMCA not long ago, and yes it involved another ol' lady.


Shelley said...

Yuk - what a horrible attitude to encounter - so much ignorance - never mind the bad manners of the 'older generation'!! Luckily they aren't all like that! Good to hear the xrays were good.

Ann said...

hummm was that my mom you met?

She is one of those "older ones" at 82 years old. I KNOW she does this. I dont handle it well from her or others. (((hugs))) It is hard to deal with, and unfair. Just know there are children, daughters and sons everywhere trying to keep their aged parents from saying insulting things like that. Does it come from that era? Does it come from not growing up with anyone different? I dont know. But I wanted to share this...we can be out together and she says something INSULTING like the other person cant hear her (while I am cringing) and they confront her... and she comes away talking about the nice young person that talked to her today.....
? go figure...
Sorry that happened.

Traci said...

Yes, well I have a mom in her 60's and I KNOW she says crazy things all of the time! She is substitute teaching this year and she had the pleasure of subbing in a class of children with disabilities. There were a few children with DS younger than my daughter and of course she had to tell the other teacher that they are so much more advanced than my daughter and that they could all acutally feed themselves and drink from a cup. Why does she feel the need to share that stuff? Couldn't she atleast shared some positives??????