I have so many things that I need to blog before I forget them. My kids are just too funny and say so many cute things that I don't ever want to forget...but sadly my memory fades way too fast!
Mr. M is starting to be so tender hearted. It just melts my heart to hear him pray. The other day I had a migraine all day and none of my medicine worked to get rid of it. I had felt like p*oop all day long. Well to top it off I hit my head some kind of hard that afternoon and was crying so hard that I thought I was going to pass out. The pain was just unbearable. When I finally calmed down I realized that my migraine was gone! OH yeaahhhh I have found the cure for migraines....just smack your head really hard on something and you will be temporarily cured! so back to Mason....that night in bed he is saying his prayers and asks me "mommy can I pray for your brain?" Well of course I told him that he could and now he prays for my brain every night! Ohhh I just love him.
On the way to school the other day he asked me if I could call Jesus for him. I told him that I would and asked him what did he want me to tell him. He said "oh no, I want you to call him for me, but I want to talk to him."
On to Ashlyn....she is talking like crazy and is such a cute little thing with all of her bossiness. She was in the bed with mommy and daddy the other night and kept calling us "Turrell". "Good morning Turrell, how doing, hey Turrell". So I figured out quickly that Turrell had to be a child in her class. She is also pointing to us and asking us every 5 minutes "ew name?"...that is short for "what is your name?" Our crazy dog Macee is such a wild crazy dog and jumps all over us for attention. I was getting Ashlyn off of the bus today and Macee came running up and freaked Ashlyn out. I scooped her up and carried her to the house as she cried "scarry". Macee is now "scarry".
Spenser just celebrated his 12th birthday and is doing really well in school. He made all A's except for one B. I honestly don't know how the child does it....I rarely see him doing homework and never see him study. He is just a natural brainiac I guess. He is busy trying to be a good brother to Ashlyn and busy trying to get Mason to BE a good brother. :)
Monday, November 13, 2006
Monday, October 16, 2006
Off to Oregon

Crazy thing called Life
Well I survived the trip to Oregon! Although I had a blast catching up on many years with my best friend, I missed the kids and dh so bad it hurt. Renee has been my very BEST friend in the world, since kindegarten. No matter how many miles are between us, we talk on the phone like we live just next door. We laugh, we cry in each others ear, give advice, and most importantly we pray for each other. I don't know what I would ever do without her. Thank you God for allowing us to remain best friends through thick and thin. Not everyone is blessed to know a TRUE friend.
Well I survived the trip to Oregon! Although I had a blast catching up on many years with my best friend, I missed the kids and dh so bad it hurt. Renee has been my very BEST friend in the world, since kindegarten. No matter how many miles are between us, we talk on the phone like we live just next door. We laugh, we cry in each others ear, give advice, and most importantly we pray for each other. I don't know what I would ever do without her. Thank you God for allowing us to remain best friends through thick and thin. Not everyone is blessed to know a TRUE friend.
My little escape artist managed to pull a sly one on her poor maw while I was gone. My mom left the door cracked open so that she could hear the bus, and Houdini decides she is going to escape and run down the driveway to get on the bus by herself. This made me almost puke as my mom called and told me on the phone. My sweet angel could have been gone in a matter of seconds. I just couldn't stand the thought of that...I was sooo ready to get home and protect her for myself.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
I can hardly believe it. In 11 days I will be hopping on a plane and going to Oregon to visit my best friend Renee and her family. I am verrrry scared of airplanes and am not looking forward to that part, but in the end it will be worth it. Renee has been my best friend since kindergarten and I haven’t seen her in almost 6 years. The last time she came home to NC was in 2000 and she was pregnant with her middle child. (whom I haven’t met) She doesn’t like flying any more than I do, so here lately I was thinking to myself, “gosh will I ever get to see her again?” Then out of the blue she called and BEGGED me to come. She begged and begged and I just couldn’t make myself tell her no, even though I wanted to (did I mention that I HATE flying?) But it must be meant to be because it seemed like all of the plans just fell in place (less than 3 weeks of planning the trip). I just HAPPEN to be out of school that week, my mom lost her job and can help with the kids while I am gone AND I was able to take off from work. Just thinking about seeing her again, makes me feel like a kid again and I can’t wait to see them all!!!
Sunday, July 30, 2006
No more summer camp for a while....
Ashlyn went to day camp this summer, four days a week for about 8 weeks. I really didn't want her to go but one of our support persons talked me in to it, telling me that she would just love it and have so much fun. Maybe she is....I don't know. BUT I do know that she has been left out of 3-4 field trips...just left at the school where they have the camp, with a few other kids who didn't go and the counselors. I am beyond angry. This is a camp for kids with disabilities and the bus driver tells me that they didn't take her on a few of the field trips because she is in DIAPERS???? You have to be kidding me! I hate confrontation....really I do. So I called this "support" person and she is telling me EVERY TIME I call that there must be some mistake and that she will get to the bottom of it. Funny how I can never get a answer from these people....you might recognize the name...ARC. grrrrrr I am just so frustrated I could cry. I have already paid for the entire summer and will not be refunded any money if I pull her out. Luckily there are only two more weeks left and she will be out of there....never to return again!
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Carrot soup....
This past weekend we took a family trip to Myrtle Beach. We stayed at the home of our friends and had a wonderful time with them. On Saturday we took the kids out to eat and Mason had a grand time eating pizza and spahgetti. Everyone was still eating and Mason had finished and had red sauce all over his face. Our friend Phil offered to take him to the bathroom and clean his face. (little did he know what was in store for him, ha!) They are gone for a while and finally come out. Mason decides that he had to go poop while he was on his bathroom visit. He locks the door and Phil waits for him. Mason announces to everyone in the bathroom that his poop looks like carrots!! :) He then informs Phil that he cannot wipe himself and needs some help, but the door is locked. So Mason gets up off of the "pot" and unlocks the door for poor Phil, who has to help clean him up! He proudly comes out of the bathroom to tell everyone he was making carrot soup!
Our friends brought along their sweet doggie Ben, a golden retriever. Poor Ashlyn was scared of the dog and tried very hard to stay out of its way. Anytime the dog came near her (it stayed in the house with us), she freaked out and started screaming. This dog was a sure way of keeping her out of trouble while we were at their house. She didn't wander around the house too much and destroy things because she was too busy staying backed up on the couch away from the dog!
Ashlyn didn't like the ocean this year. This did not go over too well with the boys. We spent most of our time at the pool (which was fine with me) because she was freaked out by the ocean water. Poor Spenser was upset with her because of this and took it out on me, because he didn't get to spend as much time playing in the ocean as he wanted to. Hopefully next year will be better!
Our friends brought along their sweet doggie Ben, a golden retriever. Poor Ashlyn was scared of the dog and tried very hard to stay out of its way. Anytime the dog came near her (it stayed in the house with us), she freaked out and started screaming. This dog was a sure way of keeping her out of trouble while we were at their house. She didn't wander around the house too much and destroy things because she was too busy staying backed up on the couch away from the dog!
Ashlyn didn't like the ocean this year. This did not go over too well with the boys. We spent most of our time at the pool (which was fine with me) because she was freaked out by the ocean water. Poor Spenser was upset with her because of this and took it out on me, because he didn't get to spend as much time playing in the ocean as he wanted to. Hopefully next year will be better!
Sunday, January 22, 2006
"You put me here for a reason
You have a mission for me
You knew my name and you called it
long before I learned to breathe"
Mercy Me
Yes life can be crazy, but we must make the best of it because we all know we are living on borrowed time. This is what I tell myself when days start running together, running from here to there in my sometimes crazy life with 3 kids and a husband. I have to tell myself EVERY day, "slow down, breathe.....you only have one turn on this merry-go-round called life".
So this is my life, with 2 handsome boys and a beautiful daughter who is chromosomally enhanced (Down syndrome) and loving life! I will share our journey within this blog.
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