I am also thankful for people like this family , the Hollis famly. Their daugther Lydia who is only 11 years old, felt a tug on her heart from God to add little Darya to their family. Darya lives in another country in an orphanage where she lays in a crib with no one to hold her, love her, or sing to her. Darya has Down syndrome. But that doesn't matter to the Hollis family. They have two children with Down syndrome, one who is biological and one who is adopted. Lydia asked her mother if they could adopt Darya if she raised the money for the adoption fees. Her goal was to raise $20,000 by Thanksgiving, so Lydia set out on many fundraisers and collected donations. I'm sure people thought she was crazy when she told them how much money she had to raise in 8 short days. But guess what?? She did it! She went over and beyond $20,000 and now they are giving any extra over the $20,000 to another family who is adopting a child with Down syndrome. God is good and he is FAITHFUL!!! I just found her blog last night and of course my heart strings were pulled!!! I waited up until after 12 am to see if they had posted their final count but ended up going to bed when it wasn't posted. I woke up this morning to an awesome surprise!! Go look for yourself and see what an awesome job they did!! God bless the Hollis family! HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!
Hollis family link