I have been grocery gaming for a month now. I will list a few good finds that I have gathered in the last month. Let me just say before I start listing, that when I first read about the grocery game about a year ago(procrastination again), I thought that it just had to be too good to be true. WOW...why didn't I start this sooner? I started reading pretty heavily about it about a month and a half ago and figured that it would take me forever to get a stockpile going...NOT so! In just a month I have gotten the following (plus more)~
Around 20 different deodorants (free or close to free) plus tax.
22 boxes of baby wipes (80 count)-free plus tax
6 - 12 packs of Dr. Pepper for $.50 each
12 boxes of General Mills cereal for $7.50
numerous bar soaps
bath/shower gels
Reese Easter candy
Crest and Listerine mouthwashes.
2 glucose testing kits ($2.13 each)
bazillion 12 oz bottles of Hi-C (not free, but at a GROOVY price :)
razors and blades
Chicken breast out the ying yang
ground hamburger
12 boxes pre-sliced frozen garlic toast
free pullups
20 - 4pack of Scott toilet paper, all for $3 plus tax
cheap, cheap produce and deli meats :)
Cottonelle 6 double rolls (several packs) for $.35 a package
2 free Almay lipsticks
free GOT2B hair products
Here are some links that got me started if you are interested :)
Hot coupon world...free website, no cost to read or join. These people give you lot'f of FREE tips on how to get the best deals!
Okay, this next one costs for you to be able to see the lists that she compiles each week for you. I started here to try and figure it all out. The first four weeks you get a trial membership for $1, this is a good deal and you can learn a whole lot in 4 weeks! Before you join you can enter your zip code to see if stores in your area are included in her lists!